"Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."

It's a quote from Jack Sparrow. A character in a movie. A popular movie. For those of you familiar with my literary snobbery, I admit, I would expect me to quote something a little more time-tested as well. But I can not readily think of any other claim I find to be truer. I heard it and thought to myself, "Well that's just beautiful. And how right and simple."

This is really just a place for those close to our family to keep track of us and our little treasure, Patton. It will be a place where I'm sure I will unload a lot of complaints, sing praises, drop bombshells, and celebrate the tiniest victories. Maybe Tim will stop by and drop a line every so often. Our life is beautifully quiet, uncomplicated and easy in the way that southern living by the sea is meant to be. It may not entertain or grab hold of you as you peruse its goings-on, but we love it dearly, and are happy to share each little moment with you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fair Warning: Boobs Ahead

 I am so in love with these pictures...I had them done at a fundraiser for a local breastfeeding support organization.  They are offering them again in August and I can't wait.  I think nursing is just the greatest thing ever, and I just might be doing it for a good long time.

Holy Cow!

This is what we look like when we're .02 seconds from crying.

My absolute favorite...about 3 minutes after he was born.

Making silly faces with Aunt Casey

Cuddling with Daddy

Making our Valentine cards!

He's watching TV (which I HATE)

Loving on Aunt Anna

And a silly one!

We have officially found our thumb.

Lil' Pimpin'
I can't believe he's three months old!  I swear I'm going to start posting on here more frequently, but until I find the time, here are some new pictures.  I have started thinking about making this blog a place that I can use to beat my crunchy mama chest.  There are a lot of things I think are important about parenting, and especially parenting a very young child.  Baby wearing, baby led weaning, breastfeeding (in public!), co-sleeping, cloth diapering....there's so much to talk about.  So maybe soon I'll start in on all that, but for now, pictures of Patton.... Love you all.